Archive for the 'convention' Category

Next Generation Innovation

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

You are cordially invited to attend a day of discussion regarding:

Next Generation Innovation
Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 09:00-15:30, Bar-Shira Auditorium, Tel-Aviv University

08:45 – 09:00 Gathering
09:00 – 09:45 Opening Session
Chair: Prof. Aron Shai, Rector, Tel-Aviv University
Innovation for Survival
Yanki Margalit, Ex-founder and CEO Aladdin, Chairman Space-IL

On Innovation, Ingenuity and in between
Dr. Shlomo Markel, Vice-President, Broadcom Corporation
09:45 – 11:15 Second Session:

Environmental Catalysts for Innovation
Chair: Leonid Bakman, PhD, Founder & Executive Director ISTIPI
Innovation Catalysts in the IDF
RADM Ophir Shoham, Director of Defense, R&D

A State in Transformation
Orna Berry, Ph.D., Corporate Vice President and General Manager for Israel Center of Excellence, EMC Corporation

Innovating Innovation!
Dov Moran, Manager, Entrepreneur, Inventor

The innovation Engine
Nir Tenzer - VP, Business Development & Platform Strategy Division Lead, Microsoft Israel

11:15 – 11:30 Recess

11:30 – 12:30 Third Session:

Education – A Prime Condition for Innovation

Chair: Prof. Shimon Yankielowicz, School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel-Aviv University

Curiosity Driven Education
Prof. Daniel Zajfman, President, Weizmann Institute of Science

Innovation and Discipline
Prof. Maj. Gen. (Res.) Isaac Ben Israel, Head of Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security

The Sky is the Limit, as Long as We Believe It
Barak Ben Eliezer, CEO Winnovation, Former Commander of “Talpiot” Program

12:30 – 14:00 Fourth Session:

Innovation in Practice
Chair: Yossi Vardi

Tradition and Innovation in Security Organizations
Tzafrir Katz, Former Head of the Technology Branch, Israel Security Agency

Innovation and Stagnation in Space Projects
Yariv Bash, Founder and CEO SpaceIL

How Once a Year I Go Back to Being a Child
Yosi Taguri - Founder, Labgoo

Rafael Mizrahi, Founder and CEO Feng-GUI, Member of the GarageGeeks Community Core Team

The Machines are back
Ami Ben Bassat, Projects Manager, Writer and Co-Founder of StartupSeeds

14:00 – 14:45 Recess

14:45 – 15:30 Fifth Session:

Young Innovation
Chair: Dr. Haim Assa, Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security

Academy in the Youth
Amit Levin, Student from the Future Scientists and Inventors program, Tel-Aviv University

Young Innovation in Israel
Or Sagi, Student from the Future Scientists and Inventors program, Tel-Aviv University

Biological Innovation: Re-programming the World
Roey Tzezana, Research Fellow in the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis & Forecasting at Tel-Aviv University


GarageGeeks and Yossi Vardi hosting Meet the Industry Leaders at DLD Tel Aviv Festival

Monday, October 10th, 2011


In the DLD festival the GarageGeeks and Yossi Vardi will host “Meet the Industry Leaders” party.

We are inviting the entire entrepreneur community to meet with the leaders of the digital media industry.

This event will create a unique opportunity for leaders of the industry to connect with the next generation of leading entrepreneurs and potential business partners.
Moderated by Dr. Yossi Vardi – Co-Chairmen, DLD Tel Aviv Summit

* Christian Hernandez Gallardo – Director, Platform Partnerships EMEA, Facebook
* David Lawee – VP, Corporate Development, Google
* Dan Powers – Global VP Sales and Business Development, Amazon
* Dr. Hubert Burda – Co-Chairmen, DLD Tel Aviv Summit
* Haran Sold – Chief Strategy Officer, Alcatel-Lucent
* Arkady Volozh – Founder, Yandex
* Bhavneet Singh – Managing Director and Executive VP, MTV International

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the giants of the industry!

Wednesday, November 2 · 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Hangar 2, Jaffa Port , Tel Aviv

please RSVP at

Note: This is one of the events of DLD Tel Aviv Festival. Registration to this event will not enable you access to DLD Tel Aviv Summit.

Registration to DLD Tel Aviv Summit is separate and can be made only if you received a personal invitation or received approval after submitting an application through the registration page at

* GarageGeeks is sponsored by Carmel Ventures and Gemini Israel Funds

MuseNet 2011

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011


MuseNet is music/technology camp in the spirit of Kinnernet: good people, business-free environment and participant-generated agenda.

MuseNet 2011 will take place on Friday, September 2nd, at the Bank Hapoalim Campus in Shfayim. [more about MuseNet]

Special thanks to our hosts and all whose contribution made MuseNet possible.

The core team

Participation is by invitation only (sorry!), but anybody can peek at images, video and web sites of past MuseNet.

IMAGinE 2011

Saturday, August 6th, 2011


IMAGinE (read: Imagine in IMAGE) is a gathering of like-minded people in the fields of animation, computer vision, 3D graphics, image processing, visualizations, augmented reality, video and photography. IMAGinE is one of the unconference events initiated and inspired by Yossi Vardi, which include Kinnernet, GeekCon and MuseNet.

As an unconference, the content is created by the event participants, so we depend on YOU to propose discussions, workshops, project displays and any crazy mash-up that comes to mind and can drive technologists and creative types to create, learn and inspire.

IMAGinE 2011 will be held on Friday, August 19th 2011, 8:30am - 4:00pm

at Beit Hecht in Haifa.

If you’re active in visual technologies or visual arts, and are willing to actively participate in the event (give a presentation, show a project, etc.), you are welcome to register at

If your company is in one of these fields, we also have some sponsorship opportunities available, please contact

See you there!
The IMAGinE organizing team: Dror Gill, Liad Nishlis, and Yossi Vardi.

IMPORTANT: To register for this event, go to http://imagine-2011.eventb​ and purchase a ticket. Marking your status as “Attending” in this Facebook event is not enough!

GarageGeeks presenting at SXSW

Saturday, March 6th, 2010


Like ninjas battling on stage, Bre Pettis and Tal Chalzin will volley projects demonstrations back and forth. From guitar player robots to machines that vomit plastic skulls, the presentation will include a mix of projects they’ve worked on and that have been worked on at the GarageGeeks, NYCResistor and beyond. This presentation will both thrill and repulse you with the possibilities that have recently emerged in the diy hacker technology space.

more information about the event

IMAGinE 2010

Sunday, December 20th, 2009


We are happy to invite you to IMAGinE (read: Imagine in IMAGE),
an informal, non-commercial gathering of like-minded people in the fields of animation, computer vision, 3D graphics, image processing, visualizations, augmented reality, video and photography.

IMAGinE is one of the unconference events initiated and inspired by Yossi Vardi, which include Kinnernet, GeekCon and MuseNet. As an unconference, the content is created by the event participants, so we depend on YOU to propose discussions, workshops, project displays and any crazy mash-up that comes to mind and can drive technologists and creative types to innovate, learn and inspire.

IMAGinE 2010 will be held on Friday, January 8th 2010, at the Tiltan College of Design in Haifa.

The event wiki is located at, and registration is at

facebook event at

See you there!

The IMAGinE organizing team: Dror Gill, Liad Nishlis, Erez Yissacharov and Yossi Vardi.

MuseNet un-conference

Friday, June 20th, 2008


MuseNet is a music/technology camp in the spirit of Kinnernet (and Foo camp):
Good people, business-free environment and participant-generated agenda.

The GarageGeeks took part as un-convention core members and also created two rooms:

The Live Jam Room

The Musical gaming room. with lots of thanks to Media Game shop



DisrupTV un-conference

Friday, May 23rd, 2008


May 23 - Shfaim, Israel

DISRUP.TV is an un-conference  intents to bring together Israeli and global Technology, content and creative talents that are taking part in creating the future of TV and media for sharing knowledge, exploring the opportunities and to spark new ideas about how TV and Video will change us and we will change TV.  It is aimed for people who are  in the conjunction of Media, Content, Creative and Technology.


presidential conference facing tomorrow

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Let us examine how tomorrow’s technology
will affect our daily life: robots, advanced
computers, electronic toys and just plain cool



DLD 2008 - Digital gets Physical and Social

Sunday, January 27th, 2008


Our made man, Ohad Eder Pressman reached to Speaker level at DLD* 2008, lecturing about connecting the Physical and Digital worlds.

Digital gets Physical session include Kati London, Julian Bleecker (NearFuture), Neri Oxman, Ohad Eder-Pressman and hosted by Kevin Slavin


watch the full video at sevenload

IL at DE

DLD conference is a blast of sharing ideas, thoughts and vision.
It was a great opportunity to meet GarageGeeks friends from all over the world:

Pabls Holman the international hacker, Digital Dan Dubno , check out their great presentation at DLD*

JB Jean-Baptiste Labrune who creates our next generation of interfaces, Régine Debatty editor of the art/tech blog

Regine and JB Pablos Holman Dan Dubno

Michael Reinboth from Compost records, Munich, kindly had a meeting with us and we discussed about various ways to integrate the GarageGeeks activities with the music industry in Germany.
